Yahoo.  Go Adam!  I sometimes wonder about unsubscribing with the amount of
negative passion vented here, but its posts like yours that provide the


Brett Kettle

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 3:29 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] Promoting Gliding

G'day All,

I'm on a roll!!!  Approached my boss at the Fuji Film developing store in 
Biloela with regards to promoting the sport of gliding - in particular 

He's agreed to let me design up some Vouchers to be used in his store.  The 
deal is that when a customer comes in and developes some film they get a 
stamp.  After the 5th roll they get a free enlargement of any picture. 
 Then on the 10th roll of film developed, they get a free $11 launch paid 
for (by the store) at the Central Queensland Gliding Club to go towards the 
cost of a joyflight!

The other cool thing is that I suggested that we get a glider in the 
shopping world to launch this!  He said it was a go'er!  So will have Fuji 
sponsorship and will be able to have movies of gliding playing in the 
background to promote the sport of gliding in the CQ area!

He's also said I can slip my brochure of gliding in each film envelope 
given to each customer!  If we get 10 joyflights and a new member - then 
it's a bonus!!

Give me a few more years and gliding will be booming! lol!

Adam Woolley

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