Probably the reason Australian instructors are dismissive of this technique is that 
nobody flies at the stall and gives a bootful of rudder.
An accidental spin is more likely to be entered by poor thermalling technique, or by 
the stress of a poor circuit, with an attempt at stretching a glide.
Consequently the Australian spin entry technique reproduces this mishandling at 
height, and gives the pupil a more realistic view or what happens, and, more 
importantly, how recover from the mishandling.       

 -----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Jarek Mosiejewski
Sent:   Thursday, 23 September 2004 09:57 AM
To:     Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia .
Subject:        Re: RE: RE: [Aus-soaring] IS28 ADs (was Reasons NOT to spin for fun )

It's been noticed in this thread that all Polish gliders to spin. This is, I believe 
in the way Polish glider pilots are trained.
Being fully trained Polish pilot (mid 70') and having flown in Australia for more than 
years, I though I might share my experience.

Firstly, every trainee pilot in Poland receives full spinning and spin recovery 
before going solo. Actually completion of this stage is a pre-requisite of going solo.

Secondly, a spin is considered and thought to be an aerobatic figure. To spin a 
you are instructed to keep normal, level attitude, and then close to the pre-stall 
you pull on the stick and initiate rudder action in the desired direction of spin and 
it back thorough the spin.  When recovering, emphasis is to recover in a pre-chosen 
direction, usually, one or two full revolution.  This is what you would be expected to 
when asked to spin by a Polish instructor. I do not quite recall practicing incipient 
spins as much as it is done in Australia.

Every instructor in Australia I flew with was somewaht dismissive of the above method 
of initiating a spin, unless I told up-front what I was about to do.

In Poland, part of Silver C training (in Poland rating called, glider pilot class 2) 
aerobatics training: spinning, loops and wing-overs. This is done in a two-seater 
(Bocian, Puchacz) and a single-seater, now day Junior, I did it in Mucha 100.

Part of class 1 glider pilot training includes advanced aerobatics which includes slow 
rolls and snap rolls and linking all aerobatic figures. This is done in Puchacz.

Converting to a new aircraft in Poland requires three flights; one of them includes 
mandatory spinning and aerobatics.

I am not trying to prove which system is better. Here in Australia we fly such a 
of gliders with completely different spinning characteristics that it is perhaps hard 
device a standard approach for all of them and admittedly I do not hear about as many 
spinning accidents as I used to Poland, however, I think the Polish system makes the 
pilot more comfortable with spinning.
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