At 05:23 PM 1/10/2004 +0930, you wrote:
I received a flyer from CASA advising of a range of seminars, one of which is National Airspace.

We should flock to this to make our point about the roll back.
The following link has info about the seminars and registering:
--- Leigh Bunting


Please note that 1. All the other seminars except Adelaide have already been held; and more importantly
2. CASA has nothing whatever to do with the management of airspace, which is done by Airservices. Whilst CASA's education team are presenting a range of topics, and they will teach you how to interpret the maps and charts, and perhaps suggest recommended ways of using the airspace arrangements, neither the Safety Promotion Section nor any other area of CASA has any influence over the proposed "roll back" announced by Airservices on 25 August (incidentally within hours of the Government going into caretaker mode, so the Minister had only a tiny window of time to comment).

By all means make your point, but don't be surprised when the people conducting the meeting say "Not our problem, sport!"


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