From: Peter Creswick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Two, create a SINGLE MEDIA LIAISON point, ie, a "GFA Media Liaison Officer", if you will, ie, ONE phone number, for the media to call.
To go a bit further, I think we need to consider creating a "GFA Duty Officer" position, staffed at any one time by one of a number of suitable people, RTO types, ie, have them rostered, but with ONE phone number only known to GFA people, that can be redirected to whoever the duty officer is on any given day / weekend /

A lot of interesting thoughts have surfaced but it's probably time to bring them back down to earth.

I know three "RTO-type " people who would fit the job description. Not one of them would take the job if it involved spending their weekends on the end of a mobile phone. Apart from anything else, most of those people spend much of their weekends airborne in a glider. Sometimes for hours on end. The rest of their time is usually forfeit to their families.

Here's a test of whether it's worth beating our gums any further. Is there anyone out there with the necessary skill and experience reading this who would volunteer to do the job? For - say - 2 years so we get some continuity.

Let's suspend the discussion and allow - say - 2 weeks to have a name or two pop up. If at the end of that time we don't have anyone, let's move on to less theoretical topics. If we have a su...volunteer by then, we can continue.

Graeme Cant

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