Mark Newton wrote:

Peter Creswick wrote:

Never publish data ?
So all the CVR transcripts and recordings widely available, the FDR graphs etc, attachments to many NTSB, even ATSB reports, not to mention, specifically, the material published by ATSB on QF-1 (the 19th hole) or the electron scanning microscope stuff on an engine not long ago, or the data on the Whyalla twin's engines, complete with chemical analysis of deposits etc etc, are all unauthorised third party fiction ?

No, they're all released as part of a formal investigation, as authorized
by law.

They're not the complete set of raw data;  They're that part of the
raw data which the aviation safety authority has decided is relevent
to the written report they've produced.

Take home message ?
Yeah right.

If you seriously believe that the ATSB releases all the raw data for
the accidents it investigates (much less *all* the raw data for *all*
the accidents, which appears to be what Robert Hart is asking for),
then you're living in some kind of fantasy world.

  - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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You seem to delight in deliberately misrepresenting the intent of my original comments a few posts back. My reference to raw data has apparently sent you down the track of every bit and byte and every scribble crib note made by any investigator. To state the bleeding obvious, the FULL data for some investigations would probably be a mountain of paperwork ten feet high, probably more. The salient report that comes out of it, with such supporting detail as is necessary to support it's conclusions, is what we want to see, evaluate, and if necessary, question. The present situation does not allow that to happen if ATSB does not produce or release any report, either generated by them, or the reports generated internally by GFA and / or others and forwarded to them, but which are not ever released, or, apparently, are not actually able to be released, by GFA themselves, due to legal issues.
That is what this whole discussion is about.
You seem to have missed the point entirely, or have you ?
Given your earlier rantings about the need to keep everything under lock and key anyway, due to it being dangerous to let anyone know the details, due to everybody and their dog being unqualified and therefore BOUND to draw false inferences and or conclusions.
Let's cut through the crap, and get to the heart of the issue.
Do you really want to stifle this discussion, because you want to kill it, by any means, because you are philosophically opposed to their release in the first place ?
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