On Mon, 09 May 2005 07:59:30 +1000, you wrote:

<<<big snip>>>
> I find it really sad that the people who have chosen themselves to
> administer gliding are prepared to offer feeble excuses as to why they
> won't publicly investigate accidents and despite rhetoric about "safety"
> and voluminous rule books full of nit picking rules all justified on the
> grounds of "safety" they are prepared to deny their fellow glider pilots
> one of the safety tools considered valuable by the rest of the world's
> aviation organisations.
> Last I heard the GFA has plenty of money. One way around the legal issues
> would be to just do the investigations and go to court if necessary. Worst
> case the GFA goes broke. So what? Best case the GFA wins in court and sets
> a legal precedent.
> I suspect the legal issues are just a distraction. Maybe the fearless
> leaders are really worried that a reasonably independent accident
> investigation system will simply find over time that real problem is
> systematic.
> In the meantime we can just sit around and speculate as to which accidents
> might not have happened if wider dissemination of accident reporting had
> occurred.
> Mike

I have heard that ATSB no longer investigates any sport aircraft
accidents, so where will the accident investigation reports come from
for the future.
Cheers,  John G.
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