Ddonald wrote:
I had a close call in a thermal recently with another glider and the other pilot was really aggressive in his entry. We nearly touched. I don’t even know if he saw me. I know it’s not an accident but is it an incident? I know that we fly close a lot, but this was close!! The other pilot is a good bloke and a respected comps pilot but other pilots have said they have had similar experiences. I can’t see a way from the GFA web-site about what to do and I’m worried about dropping him in to the CFI (he’s been around for a while and I’m only starting and want to stay for a long time!!). But what happens then? If it was a prang, I’d hear about it at a seminar a while later (or the wrong version of events over a beer at the club!!), but that doesn’t help me when I going flying again and the other pilot is around!!  I don’t feel qualified to talk to the other pilot myself, but what happened was wrong I reckon. What do I do
I would suggest that you take a two pronged approach.

First of all, go an have a quiet chat with the other pilot concerned - you really do need to speak to him, but I do understand your reticence on this. Just take it quietly and explain why, from your perspective, you felt what happened was dangerous and ask him to tell his side of things. Hopefully, he will hear what you are saying and discuss it with you. As part of your discussion with him, you should let him know that you believe that this is an incident and will be reporting it to your CFI (as per the MOSP), but remind him that this is a 'no blame' system.

Secondly, report the incident to your CFI.

It's only through such reports that we can build up a statistical history of where our system is breaking down and attack the problems so we can eliminate them before they eliminate us!

Robert Hart                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia                        http://www.hart.wattle.id.au

Robert Hart                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia                        http://www.hart.wattle.id.au

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