You could always ask for clemency or a presidential pardon.
Ian P.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] team vs individual

".......or should we ask for permission to address the GFA Board?"
Leave to appeal denied.
Go back to jail and do not glide as you pass go :-)
Chris McDonnell
----- Original Message -----
From: Geoff Kidd
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] team vs individual

    I wonder what is the Forum where this type of thing can best be fairly debated & discussed by the members of the GFA.
    I, for one, would love the opportunity to discuss this and potential ways to better or best market improved promotion of the Sport, to put up some points and hear what others have to say ............... and I can't believe that the best way to do that is thru my Club then thru the State Body to the National body, when we have such a relatively small membership like this Federation.
    Does anyone have an opinion on whether this should best be done in an article to SOARING, a Letter to the Editor of Soaring ........ or should we just do it here .... or should we ask for permission to address the GFA Board?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 9:44 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] team vs individual

In a post a week ago Leigh picked up on the societal move toward individual and impulse recreation away from organised and team sports.
As Leigh notes, gliding encompasses both team and individual aspects.
Thereby not falling comfortably into either in the public mind.
At the same time, the societal move is reflected in the parallel call by individual pilots for more autonomy - ie once you have the license, why can't the system just let you get on with flying.
Concurrently the system continues on its path of more and more control by edict from on high. Even while at the coal face instructors in particular are acutely aware of their personal liability from being 'in charge' of solo pilots flying cross country or otherwise out of sight from the home field.
That control mindset then mismatches not just with the the public expectations of recreation, individual pilot desire for personal decisionmaking, but also the realities of the onerous load being put on the club level volunteers who do the real jobs in the sport.
Please heed the sign 'wrong way, go back'.

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