Having only just survived my wounds received from a previous post regarding what some (wrongly) considered a callous grab at exposure from the death of a loved pilot recently, I shall try again to blend the extreme with the blatantly obvious. Expand, change or it will be finished, think about the next generations! Remember what first got you into gliding? Is that "catcher" still significant today, in reaching newcomers? How about this? Each state will have to co-ordinate closely with the authorities, (groans) -but simply paint a ship brightly and with GFA.org.au, then FLY the blasted thing around populous area's, specifically the CBD's of all the southern states and Brisbane (if thats north!) as many Friday afternoons as possible. How about a little slope soaring around the cliffs at Syndey heads on a Sunday afternoon? People -new members- CANT SEE US! We need some extreme exposure. Perhaps the old ship could be flown around the country on a mission! That would get some papertime, any really eccentric amoung us (surely there isnt just me :-)) to grab a headline "NUTBAG FLYS PLANE AROUND AUSTRALIA WITHOUT ENGINE" -perfect, instant growth in every state. Better still, bolt a couple of them little jets onto it, for even more attention grabbing, even if they don t have enough grunt, their noise will help. A Blanik would be perfect. It could still be called a glider just to create controversy. A couple of calls to radio "drive" programs to spread the word at the time wouldnt go astray, either. Not too expensive, lots of exposure, including to those in clubs "a-la cessna" -more potential members- as their airports would need to be utilized for launching.
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