
I am going to be at the NSW comps next Wednesday and Thursday, acting as "back seat ballast" for Derek Ruddock who is flying our club's DG-1000.

I am going to take my 4 megapixel digital camera (a nice Fuji S5500 with 10x optical zoom), and also a mini-DV video camera.

From 2 days in the air with Derek (weather permitting) and some time on the ground each day before the start and, hopefully if we get home quickly, some time before the last gliders finish I can get them too. I should get a reasonable set of photos from the comps, and would be happy to share them with you to use in Australian Flying to accompany your article(s).

If anyone else is going and has a mini-DV camera to accompany a two-seater (maybe one of the ASH25s or the Nimbus 3DM), I'd be interested in working something out as far as swapping footage.


Jason Armistead

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