I use the popular WinPilot Advanced product. It has been around for years and is continually improving, for which you need to pay us$50 per year. If you connect to one of several advanced varios (B50, B500, CAI-302, etc) that can supply compensated lift/sink and airspeed info then you can upgrade to their PRO version that makes use of the extra finesse. www.winpilot.com 
Lisa Trotter is the Australian agent.
I have had a look at the new SeeYou Mobile http://www.seeyou-mobile.si/ for iPaq (not to be confused with their popular flight planning/analysis program). It seems to have many of the functions of WinPilot and has addressed a few of WinPilot's cosmetic issues (no doubt with the benefit of a fresh start at programming). This makes punters think that it is 'better' than WinPilot but an in depth review would be needed to be fair. I find it hard to believe that a program can be developed quickly for gliding - WinPilot has evolved and adapted over time and using it shows the amazing thought and depth to each function.
Neither of these programs are for people who are not comfortable with the vagaries of computers, but these two commercial programs are streets ahead of the 'free' programs (in this regard) in my opinion. XCSoar might be good if some more Aussies take the time to make it easy to install and include local maps, etc.
Also note that there are two distinct camps. Microsoft's Pocket PC (of which HP's iPaq is the most common); and Palm. It's a bit like Windows or Apple . . . .
The HP iPaq hx4700 has a beautiful high res display (640x480 pixels) with four times the detail of the conventional PPC display. It is also bigger at 4" (102mm) across the diagonal (all other current iPaqs are 88mm).
Essentially all of these devices suffer from being difficult to read in sunlight . . . especially when we wear sunglasses . . .
Paul Remde has a useful software analysis on his website: http://www.soarmn.com/cumulus/software-pda.htm
Hope this helps.
Jim Kelly.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ian McPhee
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 7:08 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] Re Glide NavigatorII, Pocket SeeYou and WinPilot

To Ipaq users
I forget who is using what program but if you have thoughts either for or against each I would like to hear what you have to say.  You may care to be prepared to take a phone call from a person who is trying to make up ther mind which one to buy.  It would be good if I had a few names (and phone number) of various users.  Hope a few people can help.
Ian McPhee (skype   macca304)
Box 657
Byron Bay  NSW  2481  Australia
Tel +61(0)2 66847642 mob +61(0)428847642

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