On Thu, 08 Dec 2005 19:15:54 +1000, you wrote:

>>> Not so Mark, 3G is a CDMA based system, so it will be possible to
>>> achieve good coverage in rural areas with very large cells.
>>> It won't have the cell size restriction of GSM.
>> No, 3G is a marketing term given to a group of technologies which
>> overlay services over relatively high-bandwidth mobile communications
>> channels.
>> EVDO is essentially 3G over CDMA.  3GSM is 3G over GSM.  They're not
>> the same.  Telstra has picked 3GSM for its future rollout plans.
> 3G is indeed a CDMA system. WCDMA in fact & is totally different to GSM
> ( & CDMA ;-)
Just checked with my son who is in an area in Telstra dealing with new
generation networks. Apparently Mark nad I are both correct.
The new 3G system being installed uses protocols developed as an
extension to the GSM system, but the underlying transmission is
wideband CDMA (WCDMA) as Don stated above.
As such, the cell coverage should approximate that achieved with the
present CDMA system. There will be a considerable number of new base
stations installed, so the overall coverage will increase.
Cheers,  John G.
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