There seems to general agreement to the following:

1) Timely Publication of a reasonably substantial report on each gliding accident or incident is a help to our continuing safety. 2) Publication of accident reports written by the GFA gives legal problems to the GFA.

Isn't there another way of going about this. Since most of don't have many accidents or incidents, being given the additional task that as well as our current accident/incident reporting requirements, we have a new requirement to write a 'For Publication' report within two weeks of each accident/incident, this extra task is not exactly onerous.

A standard 'For Publication' report format should be created with a few minimums (Place, time, aircraft(s), passengers, experience of pilots etc) Outside the minimums, it is now up to each pilot involved how much they wish to analyze or discuss the incident. If the pilot feels that further information could cause them legal problems then they can stick to the minimum. My own expectation is, that once we get the pilot started in creating these reports, most pilots will give very full accounts rather than the minimum.

I believe that it should be placed into the GFA Standard Operating procedures so that in agreeing to fly as a member of the GFA we are all agreeing to this procedure.

Yes, if the accident is fatal for all pilots involved then this procedure won't give us a publishable report. But if we get to publish reports on the vast majority of the accidents and incidents in a timely fashion then it would be a lot better than what we have now.

Since each club should have accidents and incidents reasonably rarely, we could add to the responsibilities of each instructors panel for it to be their responsibility to ensure that these reports are done. And since fatals should be extremely rare, maybe in this case the 'For Publication' report is done by the instructors panel. Again, with the option that if they feel that there is the possibility of some legal action then they can simply stick to the minimums.

This could be enlarged so that instructors will often request these 'For Publication' reports for minor incidents that aren't considered serious enough to be otherwise reported. A good learning exercise for the student and an additional way for the instructors to ensure that appropriate lessons from each incident has been learnt. I'm sure we can all learn from publication of many of these minor incidents that didn't end up involving injury of damage.

There may be further things that need to be addressed in this procedure. e.g. what happens when the clubs instructors panel disagrees with the pilots analysis etc. I think that the procedure should be such that it is printed as created by the pilot without outside comment so that pilots aren't intimidated in their writing of these reports.

Just some hopefully constructive thoughts on this matter

Ken Dawber

Geoff Kidd wrote:
As per numerous recent posts on this Forum, I haven't heard anyone demanding that the original "Crash Report" be published. Most understand the issues that you mentioned. But there is a considerable demand in this Forum, and elsewhere, for *SOMETHING* (of substance) to be reported to the members on the accidents (and incidents) of our fellow members ........ and not just the fatals.

I don't think anyone wants sensational or personal details from these occurrences ......... but I do think that many of the Members want information on, and would benefit by learning from, the accidents and incidents that have happened to our fellow members.

    ----- Original Message -----

    Publishing crash reports *IS* too much to ask. Unlike the ATSB,
    the GFA has not legal sheild against being sued for damages or
    defamation for what is in the report. The only way it can reasoably
    happen is a change in the law, or for the ATSB to publish it.

-- Paul Repacholi 1 Crescent Rd.,
    +61 (08) 9257-1001                           Kalamunda.
                                                 West Australia 6076

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