Is there anybody out there in GFA reading this that could make a decision on stocking the promo DVD.  I gather the GFA have largish stocks of the Video and may be reluctant to order the DVD version.  OK we can order fron John R in NZ but it is much easier to get 20 or so from GFA when ordering log books or Basic Gliding Knowledge.  I am sorry I do not know who the president is these days! let alone the treasurer of GFA.  Think Terry Cubley is still into promotion.  I know our club bought the first 100 videos from NZ and have probably given away another 100 to people we think show interest.  Still selling videos is a bit like selling slide rules when calculators are available!!
Ian McPhee (skype   macca304)
Box 657
Byron Bay  NSW  2481  Australia
Tel +61(0)2 66847642 mob +61(0)428847642
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