At the moment, Both Jason Armistead and I are "sysops" of the wiki,
which means that we can delete bogus posts, but I'm happy to give
other users sysop priveleges to manage such screwy entries if they
want to.
That's the beauty of a wiki... if you don't like what you see.. edit
it yourself!

That being said, the wiki also has code in place to detect against
bots, both banning their IP's and alerting me at the same time. Also,
standard HTML inserts don't work on wikis, so links to porn sites
generally won't work.

So rest assured!!

I intend to approach clubs to send messages out to their members
informing of the information store and member forum, but feel free to
spread the word yourself! The more, the better!


On 1/25/06, Mark Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Stephenson wrote:
> > Hi Jason, I am surprised that you allow just anyone to edit your pages.  I
> > would have expected a log in of some sort so that you can keep track of who
> > is saying what and being able to stop nuisance/malicious edits.
> <shrug>  In practice, in a system where anyone can register for a
> username and password that buys very little benefit.
> If you ban someone they just register a new user-id and continue doing
> whatever it was that you banned them for.
> You can stop them from doing that by blocking their IP address(es), but
> you can do that even if you don't have a username/password.
> Graffiti on wikis is a problem;  they usually need some kind of editorial
> staff to clean up.  But it isn't as big a problem as it's made out to be.
> Meanwhile, a lot of the benefit of Wikis comes from the fact that they
> can be updated by anyone with minimal fuss.  There are more people out
> there who want to add valuable info than there are who want to wreck it.
> Observant readers may have noticed the way that the Joeyglide comments
> occasionally filled up with links to porn sites during the junior worlds.
> Not really much you can do about that, other than be diligent about
> deleting it when it happens.
>   - mark
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
> ----- Voice: +61-4-1620-2223 ------------- Fax: +61-8-82231777 -----
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