Good morning all!


Most of you will know that proper soaring training is an issue very close to my heard.


I tend to think that the poor retention rate in gliding is to a large extend due to the fact

that we let our new recruits sort out the soaring aspect on their own. After having gone

solo too many of them experience problems keeping a glider airborne. The result is

regular set-backs and disappointments and before much longer many of our new

aviators vote with their feet.


The teaching of thermalling seems to be rather low on the list of priorities during basic

training in Australia. In some clubs it appears to be regarded as a post solo subject, if

it is tackled at all.


Could you help me by providing some feedback?


1) How is your club handling the issue of soaring training?

2) Roughly what percentage of new recruits are leaving without ever enjoying

    a cross-country flight or seeing the full potential of our marvellous sport?

3) Do members of this newsgroup think that we can lift the retention rate by

    providing better pre-solo soaring training?


I appreciate that this is a rather sensitive issue and fully understand that you mightn’t

want to express your views and opinions publicly. Therefore, please feel free to submit

your thoughts and comments directly to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I can assure everyone to treat all replies confidentially.


Many thanks for your input.


Bernard Eckey

RTO (S) for SA & NT

10 Antigua Grove

West Lakes 5021

Adelaide / South Australia

Ph/Fax +61 8 8449 2871

mobile 0412 981204




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