David Conway wrote:
> >  Hi Folks
> >
> >  Just looking for any ideas and suggestions for how we can improve the 
> > functionality of the GFA website.
> >
> >  For example, on-line membership renewal and payment by credit card.
> >
> >  We would need to identify that we are providing an improved service to 
> > members which they would be prepared to pay for if there is a cost 
> > involved, or demonstrate that some savings can be made to also benefit 
> > members.

As for the video clips idea mentioned somewere - google video now allows you to
embed video hosted on google (with their portable Flash-based player)
directly in
your own web site, so maybe a lookup of "gliders" or other keywords will turn up
with worthy video to embed, or maybe it's possible to upload material there and
point to it from the GFA web site without loading it too much. (ref:

I startted to execute an idea to embed a Google map with club database
data on it
but need access to the database in order to continue work on it (to be
clear - I'm talking
about the club details like name, lat/long, glider types etc, NOT the members

As a relative newcomer to Australia it was relativelly complex for me
to figure out
from the club names and addresses about how close are they to my home and
I think that such a map will make it easier for "outsiders" to find
relevant clubs.
It might also be combined with atmospheric data and Australia roads and place
names, or a database of turn points.

I tried to contact webmaster.at.gfa.org.au for the last two-three weeks with no
response (even to a message kindly forwarded by the secretary of GFA).

(I prefer to not post a link on a list with a public archive since it
is currently hosted
on my home machine, if you want to see a sample then please send me a private

> >
> >  Thinking caps on!
> >
> >  cheers
> >
> >  David Conway


"I was being prosecuted for my beliefs.... I believed people wouldn't
notice I'd sold them camels with plaster teeth until I was well out of
town."  - Terry Pratchett, "Pyramids"

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