At 06:20 PM 29/03/06, you wrote:
I can't comment on the display when thermalling. In practice, I totally
ignore Flarm in a gaggle - I'm too busy looking out the window, and I tend
to turn the volume down so as to not be distracted by the rare alarm -
However, the algorithm is so good that it doesn't trigger an alarm unless
someone re-centres aggressively, even with quite a few gliders present.

It has proven useful when I start to thermal alone, and within a few seconds
I get several contacts at 1-3k, at this point, they do seem to be coming
from the direction the unit predicts.

What the guy who posted on the FLARM forum was talking about (and nobody seems to have answered him) is that when one or both of the gliders in a potential collision pair are accelerating - circling is continuous acceleration towards the center of the circle - the relative bearing of the glider that is going to hit you keeps changing until the collision. This can happen quite quickly where in gliders you can go from the other glider being no threat in the one thirty position, extending, to collision from the ten thirty position in less than 15 seconds. If the FLARM sounds the alarm as soon as the projected collison situation occurs the forum poster says FLARM will tell you the threat is in the ten thirty position right away. However that threat glider isn't actually there yet. It is still moving from the one thirty position around to that position, maybe under the nose of your glider. He seemes to want the threat to be tracked so he can identify it sooner. This would seem to be possible.

This isn't necessarily a problem but users should understand how the alarm system works lest they think they have a false alarm as there doesn't appear to be a threat from the indicated position at the moment the alarm sounds.

From your experience it seems that the *contacts* vs *threats* algorithms and indications may work slightly differently.

Your first statement appears to be a little contradictory. If the algorithm is so good why do you totally ignore FLARM in a gaggle and turn the volume down?


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