Good work Robert.
If the disease spreads upwards I might even rejoin the GFA.

Chris McDonnell

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Hart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CGC List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "DDSC Chat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Soaring in Australia." <>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:36 AM
Subject: [Aus-soaring] GQ AGM this Sunday at Archerfield (Aero Club)


The Gliding Queensland AGM is this Sunday at Archerfield.

In addition to the usual reports from current officers and elections of new officers, the AGM will also be considering amendments to the GQ constitution that will introduce region wide postal voting for all GQ positions (including the GFA board representative). This is a 'first' for fully democratic elections within the GFA and its regions.

This is a very important step forward for GQ as it will enable all members across our very large region to participate directly and democratically in the choice of the officers who will operate Gliding Queensland on their behalf, whether they can attend the AGM or not.

GQ has been taking a much more active role of recent years and has implemented a number of important initiatives (such as mandatory FLARM at Qld competitions, the implementation of a sports psychology policy and various safety initiatives). GQ has also proposed a number of items to the GFA board and I do not doubt will continue to do so.

If you live in Qld or northern NSW, GQ is your regional gliding organisation and these amendments are designed to make it easier for you to have your say. Qld is the only region showing strong growth in membership numbers - let's keep it that way by having at least our regional gliding organisation putting its efforts into the right initiatives - and that requires YOUR input!

Robert Hart                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+61 (0)438 385 533                 

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