Thanks Caleb


Caleb White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I do not think it appropriate that you extend your views regarding the consumption of alcohol on to others. Further, I did not see the relevance to present discussion. As (young) adults it is our choice. Flying was certainly only part of the reason that many of us attended the competition. And no, let’s not bother with the debate ‘that you can fun without alcohol’.


(Views expressed here at not those held by the Kookaburra Precision Soaring Team… OK, they probably are).

>'I also firmly believe that junior events should be alcohol free during the
event after experiencing the last Joey glide. Top sportsmen these days
virtually abstain from alcohol during their seasons, it was noticeable the
top finishers were rarely seen drinking during the comp at the last Joey

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dav"
To: "'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'"
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 09:19:21 +0930
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] WC team

Come on Dave, I do not think Adam was serious; just a bit of stirring by
the younger generation. I
have NO problem with that. :-)
Aged 55yrs but wears an Arab Hat instead of being an OFITTH.

I have no problem with stirring either Peter, in fact I have been known to
do more than a little myself occasionally.(IRONY thick right here, just in
case you don't get it)

A couple of other thoughts

-Its hard to find a genuine terry towelling hat, they all seem to be made of
cotton these days!

-How much is a left nut worth? More or less than a right? (-:

We could have a collection and see how serious Adam *really is*.(-:

Now that (pickled?) would make an interesting and unique trophy for the best
effort to attend Joey glide!(-:

Thanks to those who replied re my question about W/C pilot ages, but do you
know the oldest winner?

I thought Johns posting was spot on! Young people are absolutely critical to
the future of gliding, and the aging demographic in gliding
will make things increasingly difficult.

Another issue in this case is glider repair personnel they won't last
forever either you know, how many are in training right now?

I guess we are currently starting to experience the retirement of the bulk
of the baby boomer generation which has more leisure time as well, but I
suspect 20-30 years down the track will be the really critical time when
today's 50-60 year olds reach 80 and retire from actively flying.

The current juniors will reach 40-50 around that time. In SA I know of
about 10 under 20 yo active x/c rated pilots, and the same number between 20
and 25 A total of 20. Each club needs 5 committee members and a CFI-in SA
alone we would have all chiefs and no Indians!

We also need to accept that a lot of these juniors may well need to take
10-20 years off of flying to raise a family and establish a career.
Regaining them after this should be an important part of our strategy.

Adam don't worry about me see first paragraph!

Tom, you misunderstand my comment, what I meant was I was happy the current
image reflected the actual situation in gliding right now, not that I was
happy with the current situation! Ironic you say you don't want to join the
discussion then do so anyway!

I do feel that the current emphasis on competition for juniors as a way of
increasing interest ignores the fact that 90% of pilots do not fly comps, it
is a mistake to make a comp the main game for developing juniors,
particularly under 18s, camps and fun regatta's would be a better way I

I also firmly believe that junior events should be alcohol free during the
event after experiencing the last Joey glide. Top sportsmen these days
virtually abstain from alcohol during their seasons, it was noticeable the
top finishers were rarely seen drinking during the comp at the last Joey

In my view image has virtually nothing to do with the lack of juniors,
And is everything to do with the high costs. I know lots of interested
people who cannot afford to glide. With the current government determined to
bring back virtual slavery by the new Industrial relations and welfare rules
this will get much worse. Our only saviour in this respect is winch
launching, offering as it does huge savings particularly during training.

And to think all this came from stirring Adam back after his picture post!

Regards all and come on summer!!!!!!!

Dave Lawley

P.S. a (-: indicates I am not serious!!!!!!

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