Hi all,
I have been working on my Boomer fuselage (what else would a baby boomer of 1946 fly) in the sun on my front verandah today.
I have been installing a aerourinal as I find as I age dehydration knocks me around a lot more and it's antidote is not compatible with my ageing bladder.
After carefully routing the sullage line to ensure it did not inhibit any control circuits or other mechanisms I reinstalled the seat pan and sat in the glider. All was OK and the penile receptacle positioned perfectly. When I went to test it I found my pants had no fly.
Assuming voice of HG:
MEN, do you realise that this is part of an international female plot to make us take our pants off to pee as women have had to do for millenia? Is your wardrobe slowly filling, like mine, with shorts/pants that have no fly and worse still have, as well as elastic, drawstrings that knot when you are caught short at either end and cannot get undone?
Sitting there in the cockpit on the front verandah I contemplated the number of times over the past couple of years I have had to pee at the airstrip or in my paddocks with my arse freezing as my pants are down around my knees. I contemplated the number of times I have almost shat my pants because I had double knoted the drawstring, to ensure the knot did not slip and let the shorts/pants slide down, and could not get the knot undone.
There are three solutions to this problem:
1. Buy your own shorts /pants.
2. Request your partner to only buy shorts/pants for you with flys.
3. Wear you pyjama pants when you go gliding like IP.
Chris McDonnell
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