Well, I finally received my new lenses. (The first pair had the Zeiss logo
on the lens - right in my field of view - but now I have two lenses without
logos. It took six weeks for the replacement to arrive.)

Like several others who commented, I'm impressed. The combination of
polarisation (I've been wearing polarised lenses for 25 years) with the
special 'Skylet' tint is really quite an eye-opener (pun intended). Glare
reduction is excellent (so these are great driving glasses, as well as for
flying), but the biggest surprise for me is the effect on contrast. Things
in the sky (clouds, aircraft, birds) seem to me to stand out significantly
more clearly than before - against blue sky or cloud backgrounds. I can see
the early life of a Cu quite clearly where previously I would have seen
little at all.

Overall, I'm impressed.

As to the process, as others have commented, you'll need to be persistent
and to know what you're looking for. Unless your optometrist has some
experience with aviators, you'll probably get blank looks when you ask for
Zeiss Skypol lenses. As discussed before, many of the big chains don't have
these 'in the system' - which means they don't exist. You almost certainly
won't be able to find a lens example in the store (try asking your friends
at the glider field). You almost certainly won't even find a brochure (I
still have the brochure on my site, if you are interested:
http://www.flyingnerd.com/gliding/zeiss-skypol/.) Oh, and be prepared to dig
deep for these babies - they are NOT cheap.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Sunday, 17 September 2006 9:21
To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] Zeiss lenses for sunglasses

Thanks to all for comments on Zeiss Skypol lenses a few weeks ago.

I found an optometrist in my area able to order and supply (no mean feat as
the big chains deny all knowledge of whatever isn't 'in the system').

I have ordered a pair of lenses for my existing frames. They have to be
manufactured (ground?) in Germany, so it takes a few days (weeks). The first
set of lenses arrived last week but the shop installed one of them
incorrectly (leaving a Zeiss logo inscribed on the lens!), so I'm still
waiting. But the try-on in the shop felt good.

I was frustrated by lack of information available from the stores (and the
fragmented and out-of date info on the Zeiss website). I obtained a Skypol
brochure and have placed scans of it here:
http://www.flyingnerd.com/gliding/zeiss-skypol/ for those who may be

I'll post again when I've flown with the new lenses.


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