The other pilot involved did not seem as worried as I was but did wonder what was going on when I turned in on him. All that would be needed to make that situation dangerous would be if he was practicing lookout in another direction.

Chad Nowak

From: Mike Borgelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."<> To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."<>
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] .Flarm antenna
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:57:20 +1000

At 09:18 PM 1/02/2007, you wrote:
To put it simply, it sounds similar to the incident at Benalla. I had someone to my left and behind at about the same altitude. Even though the red light would have been on I don't remember seeing it. I guess I had my eye's outside of the cockpit. Anyway I looked left to do a 180. With no traffic sighted I started a sharp turn. Straight away the alarm sounded so I immediatly straightened up and saw the red light. I did a turn to the right and then left to find the other glider only to see it behind and close.

Was it a close call maybe..........maybe not, but I'm glad Flarm stopped the situation before I got to find out.

Chad Nowak


Thank you for that. Obviously the other glider was FLARM equipped. Did you talk to the pilot later? If so what was his take on the situation? Did he think there was a bad situation at any time?

From your description of your manouevers I'd expect a glider behind would have caught up somewhat by the time you completed them.

BTW I asked two pilots with lots of experience flying "in the system" and they aren't aware of any TCAS caused accidents.

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