Would the heat have any affect on the rear end of the glider???


david lawley wrote:
Hi all,

Ben said

"The only problem that strikes me at the moment is how does one start the
darn things?

1.    I would guess you would have to punch VNE to get enough air through
them to do a in flight start.
2.    If started on the ground is a GPU Cart or HPCA Cart needed.

>From my sketchy turbine/jet  theory you would need about 30% airflow
them to inturn turn on the fuel and hit the ignition system.

Just some thoughts? How does Bob start his jet glider ??

The small jets being used I have seen are self started by an automated
electronic controller useing I think propane gas. Each of the units I have
seen produces 25kg thrust, and is aboutt 200mm round and 350mm long.
weight As I recall is 7kg, a wiring and controller, which can control
multiple jets(up to 4 I think), giving a unified throttle for all jets.

There are probably many other systems. These jets were originally
developed for scale models, so need to have perfromance at relatively low
speeds. I eagerly anticipate the up coming debut of a jet powered quad
bike at our field soon, which is a test bed for a jet launched 15m racing
class glider.
In this setup 3 jets, one permanntely mounted above turtle deck and two
retractable into the fuse, acceleration should be OK I think.

Anyone know the relationship between thrust and horsepower?

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