Mike Borgelt wrote:

At 11:12 AM 2/04/2007, you wrote:

Rumour - ethenol takes 3 litres of water per litre to produce

uh oh, which do we need more?



I can't give the reference but I'm told it is much, much worse than that. Then you have to get rid of the byproduct called vinasse. No doubt we'll kill a few people(possibly boaties lost at sea) with ethanol induced fuel system failures. Might be cheaper and a lot less trouble to just give money to farmers NOT to grow crops to turn into ethanol which is forced by law on an unsuspecting public.

Then there are the secondary effects. In Australia we are already seeing one consequence of the rush in America and elsewhere to produce ethanol. The cost of most fertilizer in Australia has just been lifted by about $100/tonne (20%) in the past week or so. The main reason given is the increase in area sown (and hence fertilizer used) to grow crops in USA to meet the anticipated demand for ethanol production. This has resulted in a shortage of product and so the price goes up. Accordingly the people who produce our food and maintain many of our thermal sources and outlanding areas are going to find it just that little bit more difficult.

Don't worry though this just the first of many scams about to be foisted on the public in the name of "combating global warming". Like the ban on incandescent light bulbs.

Agreed. This should have been announced on April 1st, except that they are apparently quite serious about it. The Department for Silly Ideas is working overtime as the drought worsens, the global warming paranoia spreads and elections loom both here and in USA.

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