Not news to me, I remember JR having substance back in 1980's...

Ah the good old days eh! 

BTW JR are Greg and Karen F still around?


Dave L

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 10:42 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Macquarie withdrawal

The Fickle Finger of Fate took hand to show you all that JR really 
dose have substance and is the Treasurer of the SAGA

At 06:24 PM 1/05/2007, you wrote:
>Things are progressing slowly.
>They cannot tell me who the Signatories are because it was so long 
>ago so I need a copy of the minute where you were appointed 
>treasurer and the minute where we said we need to with draw the 
>Money with your signature as treasurer and I guess Les's as 
>Secretary and then I can sign the document and we may get our money 
>back in the meantime if you start an account with the Bank of your 
>choice we can get the funds transferred there.
>At 05:45 PM 1/05/2007, you wrote:
>>Well where have you been ? there has been at least 52 cards 
>>mentioned !!, I think the other joker has done it to death, lets 
>>just say its been dealt with..
>>kindest regards
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Ashford
>>To: <>'Discussion of 
>>issues relating to Soaring in Australia.' ; 
>>Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 4:58 PM
>>Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] Pre-landing Checks
>>I haven't seen mention of the CARD check used in South 
>>Australia.  This is a pre launch check prompted by the hooker 
>>onerer.  Canopy locked, Air brakes locked, Radio on, Dolly removed.
>>John Ashford
>>07 3822 4264
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
>>Sent: Tuesday, 1 May 2007 9:53 AM
>>Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
>>Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Pre-landing Checks
>>Mark Newton wrote:
>>Derek Ruddock wrote:
>>How exactly do you check if the tail dolly is on from the cockpit?
>>Presumably by then you have your harness secure...
>>By visually locating the tail dolly in the pile of towing gear
>>next to the pie cart works for me.
>>Alternatively, asking a trusted bystander, "Is my tail dolly removed?"
>>fits the bill.
>>Finally, checking it before you get in and using the "T" part of
>>CHAOTIC as a reminder to make sure you've checked it before you got
>>in is also suitable (i.e., instead of using "T" as a "is my tail dolly
>>removed?" check, treat it as a "did I check my tail dolly?" check)
>>I have always used the external checks ABCD (Aircraft, Ballast, 
>>Controls, Dolly). Some people at the club do a dolly/canopy check 
>>when hooking me on - that's fine by me if that's what they want to 
>>do, but I am flying the aircraft and it's my responsibility to get 
>>things right.
>>As for the wheel up/down issue, I personally use the old 'inner 
>>marker' check of "Three greens" (spoken out loud, hand and eyes on 
>>to the lever to check that it is down and locked) when I roll wings 
>>level on final as a backup to FUST. When flying with post solo 
>>pilots I tend to tell them about this, but stress that it's not a 
>>standard check - but one I find useful. I have had this save me as 
>>an instructor a couple of times in a Blanik!
>>One club I instruct at has a post release check (STUFF - speed, 
>>trim, undercarriage, flaps, field) and I personally detest this as 
>>I feel it diminishes airmanship: speed/trim are always linked, 
>>undercarriage up/down may or may not be done on release (it may 
>>have been done earlier on some aircraft, it may be done later if 
>>one is busy with a heavily loaded glider trying to get centred into 
>>a recalcitrant thermal), flaps is like speed/trim and linked to 
>>them and - worst of all - one should know where the airfield is at 
>>all times during the launch, not go looking for it after release!
>>+61 (0)438 385 533                 
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>08 82588026 home
>0412 055 888 mobile
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Rob Moore
08 82588026 home
0412 055 888 mobile

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