Mmmmmm.... Jelly.......

On 16/09/2007, at 12:08 PM, PTB wrote:

Aeroplane jelly!


Owen Jones wrote:
From previous threads on this important topic it would appear that one of the most widely used and low cost Pee Bag options is a large (270 mm x 330 mm) Zip Lock bag with a nappy liner inside.

But the limitation in this system is the capacity of the nappy liner.

Some commercial products talk about having absorbent crystals to instantly turn liquids into an odorless gel.

Does anyone know what this absorbent might be?

I have looked at the crystals used in some commercial cat tray formulations but the crystals are much bigger and really have a different role.

I suppose that the fallback position would be to crush some of these up to a smaller particle size.

Anyone with any other absorbent that will instantly turn liquids into an odorless gel?

Owen Jones

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   "Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground, and.... miss."
                --- Ford Prefect

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