Please read the attached if you are planning to fly near TEMORA NSW this weekend, or any of the weekends (and Fridays) that the Temora Aviation Museum is flying (dates in the attachment).

We ask that you do not plan to fly in by glider or to overfly the area where Museum operations are effective - which may go a little higher and wider whilst holding than the promulgated Restricted area for the displays themselves.

We would be very upset if an itinerant glider were to cause a conflict with our neighbours at the Museum - and please note that they choose not to operate on other days throughout summer when there is significant gliding activity, particularly when there is an organised event at Temora (and this includes the summer camps that our visitors hold at our site).

Many thanks for your understanding an co-operation - and apologies for sending this to those of you too far away to be affected.

Mike Cleaver
CFI Temora Gliding Club
(Also for David Pietsch
competition glider pilot, author of GFA SMS
and Safety Officer for Temora Historic Flight Club)


For Glider Pilots Intending to Fly At, or In the Vicinity Of, Temora NSW.

As many of you are aware, the Temora Aviation Museum conducts public flying weekends over Temora airfield around 6 times per year. The preparatory flying activities take place on the Friday and the public displays take place on the Saturday and Sunday. Display aircraft are of warbird types, ranging from slow pre-WW11 training aircraft through heavy pistons to fast jets. Further, there is significant visiting aircraft traffic over the period ranging from light recreational aircraft through to corporate jets and military aircraft.

Due to the nature of the flying a Danger Area (D427) is declared for the three days and a Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) (R406) is in force for the display periods on the Saturday and Sunday (Both 5NM/5,000’ amsl). These operate on the Temora CTAF frequency of 126.15 MHz.

During these periods the Temora Gliding Club chooses not to operate, except occasionally on a very limited basis and only in close consultation and cooperation with the Museum. The purpose of this notice is to advise glider pilots who are intending to visit Temora over these weekends that the opportunity to fly is very limited and to all intents and purposes - impractical. Please do not plan to visit Temora to fly your glider at these times, since no towing will be available to visitors. Of course, should you be in the Temora area over a flying weekend, you are strongly encouraged to visit the Museum and attend the flying displays.

For pilots intending to fly cross country in the vicinity of Temora during these times, be aware of the nature of the Museum flying activity and the Restricted Area into which you must not enter whilst it is activated. During the activation period of the danger area from Friday through Sunday, we recommend that you remain clear of Temora by about 15km.

The Temora Aviation Museum planned flying weekends for the next 15 months are:

24/25 October 2009
28/29 November 2009
30/31 January 2010
10/11 April 2011
5/6 June 2011
14/15 Aug 2010
September - To be confirmed.
20/21 Nov 2010

Check out their website at for details of the Museum and confirm the dates from their events calendar should there be any alterations.

NOTAM details regarding the Danger Area and the TRA can be found via the Airservices Australia Pilot Briefing (NAIPS) website –

David Pietsch. Mike Cleaver. Designated Safety Officer – Chief Flying Instructor - Temora Historic Flight Club Temora Gliding Club

A copy of the notice for your notice board is attached:

Attachment: For glider pilots intending to fly at Temora v2 MC.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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