Well, no - you wrote that you could supply the information.

'I invite you to say that to the people involved in adrenaline sports in 
person, I would enjoy seeing the results'. - I think the implied threat is 
unnecessary or do you need someone else to do you dirty-work?

You still haven't answered any of my original questions about how you intend to 
make a difference, whether it is to safety or marketing. What are you going to 
do? And why are you so angry?

And sending yourself e-mails of support is pretty lame.



From: David Lawley <davidlaw...@hotmail.com>
To: aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
Sent: Thu, 11 February, 2010 8:06:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Aus-soaring Digest, Vol 77, Issue 14

Hi all,

> No David, you've got five to go. If you take out the medically caused 
> incident (he could have done that in his shower or car, so it doesn't count) 
> that's 5 to go. - the multi-list page actually only had two accidents.
> And just to refresh your memory;
> 'I can post at least 10 links to fatal accident reports form last year if you 
> wish. You are fooling yourself Dave.'

Dave, even though YOU were not the person who asked for the info,  and are 
either too stupid or lazy to do the simple google search I mentioned;






And there are 3,600 more results, some of which are duplications of course. 

Your pathetic bleat about ad-hominems gave me a good laugh too, when you go 
round showing your intolerance and arrogance such as refering to a group of 
people some of whom I count as friends as "garbage" you openly invite a 
suitable response.

If you dont like the heat stay out of the kitchen Dave I am sure you can work 
out how to unsubscribe-eventually!

I invite you to say that to the people involved in adrenaline sports in person, 
I would enjoy seeing the results.

When you write such rubbish, you make me doubt that you have anything to offer 
marketing and development.

Thanks for the royal appointment though! 

I also got a good laugh that you think that joining a commitee will improve 

Thanks to Tom for putting into words the point I was trying to make about the 
perception of danger.

An off list mail I got about your reply said it best;

"moron from boonah, dont lose any sleep over it, they just aint worth the 
trouble, its like wrestling a pig in mud, pretty soon you work out that the pig 
likes it."

And I agree so I wont be responding to any more of your drivel.

Dave L 
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