Hi All,

The response to my last two messages on this subject has been disappointing to 
say the least, with only four new entries being received to bring the total to 
six.  We are now confronted with a situation where we are not prepared to 
commit further resources unless a significant number of additional entries are 
received.  Failing that, there will be no alternative other than to cancel the 
Comp. This would be a great pity, but we can always look forward to a great 
Comp next year when all of the weather related difficulties of the last few 
months will, hopefully, be well and truly behind us. 

The "go - no go" decision will be made on 16 Mar, which is also the date on 
which the entry fee increases by $50.

For general information on the Comp, please go to:


To go direct to the entry form, just use:



Brian Wade

Comp Organiser

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