APRS units are not expensive: The "black box", based on aByonics Micro-Trak 
RTG,which plugs into my  glider electrical system was $325 US, while a Yaesu 
VX-8R with GPS is  about $600. The handheld offers alternative radio 
communication which the black box does not. The black box system is completely 
hands off, sending one  report when powered up and then waiting for movement to 
start tracking.
  Most people set APRS to broadcast Lat/Lon/Altitude/Direction/Speed every 
minutes. For a contest like this you could increase that frequency if you think 
the bandwidth is there. One minute, for example. Faster report rate would 
eat up all the bandwidth of a system you're not paying to use.
  Use of either the dedicated APRS box or handheld with APRS functionality is 
free. You may choose to donate to one of the websites that provide tracking 
display, or to the local provider of digital repeaters.
  The complication is that users each need to have an amateur radio operators 
licence. Study at home for a while and take the test in a few hours. Several of 
us took the test together when we used to fly hang gliders and needed the radio 
licence for the 2m band.

For more information:


From: Matthew Gage <m...@knightschallenge.com>

If someone wants a better system, they can pay for it.

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