I am dead set against anyone listening to music while flying.  I have heard a power plane approaching that I could not see.  I use my hearing to fly at slow speeds in a thermal so I can keep a good look-out.
We need all our senses to fly safely.

On 15/04/2011 10:01 AM, Grant Davies wrote:

I’m with you Al,


At our club our flying is generally local and we are not full on comp orientated.


I fly for the enjoyment of it and I like music so I find flying with music a heightened experience.


I can’t think of anything better than bobbing around the clouds listening to Jeff Buckley crooning in the background.


I also see the point that some serious pilots may see music as a distraction and understand their comments in relation to its appropriateness.


Horses for courses.


Kindest Regards


Grant Davies

m. 0419 818 315

f. 07 41 54 14 36

e. gr...@davies.id.au


From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net [mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Al Borowski
Sent: Thursday, 14 April 2011 11:26 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Music while flying?


I always thought that the whole point of gliding was to have fun - and if playing music increases your enjoyment, and doesn't compromise safety, then why not?





On 14 April 2011 23:07, <gstev...@bigpond.com> wrote:

Hi Patch & All,
I am with you bro!

But, perhaps for totally different reasons???

Aviators seem to be, in the main, a very pragmatic bunch. Glider pilots, as a sub-group, also seem to fit this mould. The question "Where are the poets of flight?" has been discussed on this forum in the past. As a matter of interest, try Goggling  "Joseph C Lincoln Award"  to see one excellent attempt to address the balance (although that is not exactly what the stated goals of the award are about).

To get to the point,  I pose the following question " Why in God's name would you carry, and listen to, canned music whilst gliding?" Each time you take a launch, you are potentially putting yourself in a special position where you can resonate with the whole universe - Mind, Body, Soul, as one. As such, the canned music is, at best,  just distracting noise.

Think about it!

.... Especially if you have not been there!

.... But I suspect, you all know exactly what I am talking about.!

{From a competition pilot's view (a subset group that does not exclude the above principle- quite the reverse in fact - if you are not at one with the environment - you will not win), Tom Claffey's post on the subject is relevant - Tom gives no reasons. Tom would you care to expound on your post, for the uninformed?}


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