-----Original Message----- From: Friedel Weber Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 2:37 AM To: Tom & Jane Gilbert Subject: DG Flugzeugbau - Newsletter No. 151
DG Flugzeugbau - Newsletter No. 151
May 2011

Article of the Month:
NOAH-Emergency Exit Aid
- the only available system to help you to survive a bail out.


1. Aero 2011 - a Summary from DG Flugzeugbau

2. Searching for Records with a DG-808C Competition
- Jean Marc Perrin and his new glider

3. Installation of the LX-9000
- in DG- and LS-Gliders

4. Photo of the Month:
  US Air Force above Germany

Please click here:


We are sending you our best wishes for a wonderful flight season.

Friedel Weber and the complete DG- and LS-Team

Soaring - Touch the Sky!


The newsletter will be sent to all our customers with e-mail
addresses as well as to all pilots who would like to get it.

If you are not yet on our mailing list and want to read our
newsletter, please feel free to write a short message
to us with the key-word:
"Newsletters, please" in the subject-line.

If you do not want to receive our newsletter anymore, please
send a short message with the keyword:
"No Newsletters" to we...@dg-flugzeugbau.de

Please also tell us, if your e-mail address has changed.

The German Version is under:


The previous Newsletters can be seen at:


If you want to receive the Newsletter in German,
please send us an e-mail with the key word: "Newsletter please!".


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Please have a look at:
- Innovative Solutions made of Composites!


This newsletter has helped us to grow to a real "DG/LS-Family"!

Always happy landings

Friedel Weber
- Geschaeftsfuehrer/Managing Dir -


DG Flugzeugbau GmbH, Bruchsal
Manufacturer of High-Performance Sailplanes
AG Mannheim HRB 231792

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