At 08:36 AM 16/05/2012, you wrote:
Is there such a thing as a 'portable' transponder? The wave season has started at Boonah (strong climbs last weekend, the upper limit of which was limited by Controlled airspace) and a Transponder is required. It would be very useful if there was a 'portable transponder' that could be moved from aircraft to aircraft so that airspace can be entered.

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You need an antenna in the glider anyway plus power supply etc. Garrecht do a transponder where the display/control head is in the panel and the remote mounted transponder unit can be easily shifted from glider to glider. The Trig transponder is also in two parts but I don't know if they sell the remote heads separately. Probably not worth the hassle of shifting around though. If you are serious just equip the gliders with transponders. You will need an organisational plan to keep the batteries charged and in good condition and you'll need a Rad 47 inpection and test every 24 months along with most likely an Instrument 8 for the altimeter. About $230 every 2 years.

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