Hi Simon.
The bit that you missed was that I already did (some) of it in Facebook while I was overseas and I was really trying to salvage that effort. I usually pick the best "x" hundred pix after coming back from trips, put it on a web album (with captions etc) and get proper paper photos done from that selection, but this time I put some day by day stuff on Facebook cos it was convenient enough at the time.
That'll learn me. :-)


On 13/06/2012 3:39 PM, Simon Hackett wrote:
So do it once, outside of facebook, and then post the link inside facebook as 

(unless I'm missing something...?)

On 12/06/2012, at 9:39 AM, Raj Bholanat wrote:

Like he said....
" Which is a bugger cos there are a few facebook things like that I want to
send to non facebook friends. Have to do it twice now :-("

-----Original Message-----
From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net
[mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Derek
Sent: Tuesday, 12 June 2012 8:47 AM
To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Does this work?

Use one of the other picture hosting services (flickr, picasa, photobucket
etc) and send them that link

-----Original Message-----
From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net
[mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of stephenk
Sent: Monday, 11 June 2012 6:00 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Does this work?

Thanks for those that tried and didn't work.
I wasn't sure if "public" in facebook meant "everyone who knew the link"
or just "everyone in facebook". Seems like the latter.
Which is a bugger cos there are a few facebook things like that I want to
send to non facebook friends. Have to do it twice now :-(


On 11/06/2012 10:19 AM, John Orton wrote:
Not for me.

I think Facebook public means to Facebook members only, however I am
not a Facebook member/user.

John Orton

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