Hi Bernard
I'm sure lots of local pilots (power as well as sail) will want to
hear both Gerhard and the cutting edge aerodynamics
include me in the audience

On 02/09/2013, at 7:26 AM, Future Aviation wrote:

Good morning all
Gerhard Waibel will be our guest during a visit to Adelaide in early November.
He doesn't really need an introduction other than to say that he is the designer of ASW 12, ASW 15, ASW 17, ASW 19, ASW 20, ASW 22, ASW 24, ASW 27 and ASW 28 sailplanes. Soon after Gerhard retired he was asked to design the CONCORDIA for Dick Butler.
The CONCORDIA is a glider of true superlatives. With a super high wing loading, an L/D exceeding 70:1 and an unprecedented aspect ratio it is by far the best performing glider ever built. Lately Gerhard has prepared a presentation on the project which he is willing to share
with us in the evening of the 5th of November.
Please contact me off line (ec...@internode.on.net) if you want to hear Gerhard speak.  I need to find a suitable venue and it would be helpful to get a grip on the number of people
Kind regards to all
Bernard Eckey
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