Yes it is good to see real progress with AAFC in AUS but guess the boss
(Jeff Brown) being incharge helps. More important it will be a shot in the
arm for gliding movement over the next 10 to 20 years.  USA AF and even our
neighbor Indonesia has DG1001. I gather it was between ASK21 and DG1001 and
DG won maybe because it is a more modern design and gather gliders designed
after 1990 something which take off with unlocked airbrakes do not open on
aerotow which is a good safety design.

Ian Mcphee  .

On 2 September 2013 09:00, Bill Tugnett <> wrote:

> Just noticed on the DG webpage (German version only) - six DG1001 Club
> trainers purchased by the ATC. Rgds,  Bill
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