[ Simon pops up and makes a rare comment ]

Mike, I'm sure you mean well, but attacking the person rather than the issue 
isn't good form - on any mailing list. Debates of this sort work much better 
without ad hominem attacks. 

They can often lead to impugning people who seriously are not deserving of it. 
I know Michael T and he absolutely isn't deserving of that attack in any sense 
(then again, neither is anyone else).

Attack the issue, by all means - with both claws, mate. But not the people. 


[ Simon now returns to quietly lurking - having not done nearly enough gliding 
of late, due to his brain being consumed of late with working on an IFR rating ]

On 14/10/2013, at 8:19 AM, Mike Borgelt <mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com> wrote:

> Nice conjecture, but unfortunately for you the BGA DIDN'T have a formal 
> medical
> requirement at the time so there was no "filtering" by formal medical. Same 
> for the US glider and balloon pilots and both are based on a large number of 
> events so the stats, even if somewhat uncertain, are likely pretty good.
> In any case it is quite obvious that medical causes are a VERY low percentage 
> of aviation accident causes (~ 1% or lower) and the accident rate isn't 
> significantly improved by having formal medicals and simply cannot be not 
> matter how stringent you make them.
> Everyone self certifies before going flying anyway as most don't have a 
> medical immediately before going flying on any given day.
> I'm not sure you actually read my post. Either that or your reading 
> comprehension is extremely poor. That and  your demonstrated lack of ability 
> to think logically even when not under the pressure of actually flying an 
> aircraft are a worry. I wouldn't fly with you nor let anyone I cared about do 
> so.
> Mike
> At 12:26 AM 14/10/2013, you wrote:
>> Methinks there is some false logic in that argument.
>> A counter argument is that the aviation medical system has kept people out 
>> of the skies that shouldn't be flying due to medical reasons .
>> (that is, the medicals are filtering out those who are unfit to fly and 
>> hence that the cause of incidents due to medical causes is low, 5 out of 800 
>> = 0.625%).
>> Saying that 1% is different to 0.5% is meaningless without confidence 
>> intervals, and suffers from the problem of rare events being compared.
>> If there were no medicals, the numbers of accidents do the medical causes 
>> would be higher.
>> Regards
>> Michael
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net on behalf of Mike Borgelt
>> Sent: Fri 10/11/2013 4:10 PM
>> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
>> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Medicals
>> No, the lack of value of aviation medicals has 
>> been demonstrated by long pragmatic and statistical experience.
>> I don't have the URL to hand but one study in the 
>> US was that medical conditions for powered 
>> aircraft pilots were around 1% of accident 
>> causes. Fortunately they had a large body of 
>> experience with glider and balloon pilots who 
>> self certify and the medical rate of accident 
>> causes was 0.5% or so amongst them.
>> The BGA did a study many years ago of 800 glider 
>> accidents in the UK. IIRC about 5 may have had a 
>> medical component which would seem to be in 
>> accordance with the US experience. Of those, 
>> again IIRC, one was a medical condition that 
>> wouldn't be picked up in a PPL medical, two had 
>> PPLs and one was a serving military officer who 
>> had more frequent medicals of a higher stringency than a PPL medical.
>> Even CASA recognised this in writing in a 
>> discussion paper in 2002 about the proposed 
>> Recreational Pilot's Licence. They proposed the 
>> same medical standard as a State driver's Licence 
>> (very little, looking at what drives). They 
>> specifically said some in the aviation industry 
>> might be uncomfortable with this but that the 
>> stats were clear that formal medicals did nothing 
>> for safety. This was a welcome attitude in the 
>> regulator - actual evidence based rule making. Of 
>> course the cretins in the GFA sent a couple of 
>> people (Meertens and Hall) along to the Minister 
>> to kill this proposal for gliding, along with the 
>> collusion of Paul Middleton of the RAAus. One of 
>> the more notable acts of bastardry in Australian 
>> aviation which has a long history of such.
>> Mike
>> At 05:41 PM 11/10/2013, you wrote:
>> >Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>> >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>> >         boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01CEC655.49080C07"
>> >
>> >Hi All,
>> >
>> >To self declare is hardly onerous.
>> >
>> >If you have any of the conditions that make you 
>> >ineligible to self declare, then get an Australian Medical Certificate.
>> >
>> >I now await the bun-fight regarding the value of 
>> >aviation medicals and whether they have really 
>> >made the skies safer, using the argument that 
>> >medicals are costly and someone knows somebody 
>> >that had a medically incapacitating event just 
>> >after they had passed their medical etc..
>> >
>> >Would the same argument work regarding glider 
>> >maintenance, saying that form 2 are not 
>> >worthwhile because there have been instances 
>> >where gliders have come to grief after passing their form 2 etc.
>> >
>> >Doctor's hat on
>> >
>> >Michael
>> >
>> >==================================================
>> >Dr. Michael Texler M.B. B.S. M.D.(Adel) F.R.C.P.A.
>> >Consultant Anatomical Pathologist
>> >c/- Department of Histopathology,
>> >PathWest, B Block, Level 5,
>> >Fremantle Hospital, Alma Sreet, Fremantle 6160, WA, Australia
>> >Ph: +61 (0)8 9431 2681
>> >Email: michael.tex...@health.wa.gov.au
>> >
>> >
>> >----------
>> >From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net 
>> >[ mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Matt Gage
>> >Sent: Friday, 11 October 2013 14:52
>> >To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
>> >Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Medicals
>> >
>> >However, the crazy situation is that if a US 
>> >pilot holds a class 2 medical, they can fly here 
>> >using that unless they gain Australian 
>> >citizenship, at which time they have to suddenly 
>> >self certify or get an Australian class 2
>> >
>> >Or an Australian who has lived overseas for many 
>> >years is unable to use their class 2 on a brief holiday here
>> >
>> >Looks like we have badly thought through regs, 
>> >or possibly the interpretations on the web site 
>> >are too simplistic. I hope it's the latter
>> >
>> >Matt
>> >
>> >On 11 Oct 2013, at 17:25, "Christopher Thorpe" 
>> ><< mailto:ctho...@bigpond.com>ctho...@bigpond.com> wrote:
>> >>An Australian flying on an Australian pilot 
>> >>certificate who is ineligible to self-declare 
>> >>their medical status must hold an Australian 
>> >>Medical Certificate.  This is the case even if 
>> >>an Australian also holds citizenship of another country.
>> >>
>> >>If the person holds dual citizenship of 
>> >>countries other than Australia and they are 
>> >>ineligible to self-declare, then they will need 
>> >>to provide a Medical certificate issued by the 
>> >>State that issued their Pilot's Licence.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Christopher Thorpe
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>From: 
>> >>< 
>> >>mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net>aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net
>> >> 
>> >>[ mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Ron 
>> >>Sanders
>> >>Sent: Friday, 11 October 2013 4:30 PM
>> >>To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
>> >>Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Medicals
>> >>
>> >>What about those who hold dual citizenship??
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>On 10 October 2013 21:53, Christopher Thorpe 
>> >><< mailto:ctho...@bigpond.com>ctho...@bigpond.com> wrote:
>> >>The Q&A means exactly what it says.  An 
>> >>AUSTRALIAN pilot must have an AUSTRALIAN Medical Certificate.
>> >>
>> >>I'm not sure how this morphed into the 
>> >>requirements for foreign pilots, but there is a 
>> >>separate page dedicated to foreign pilots at the following link:-
>> >>< 
>> >>http://www.glidingaustralia.org/GFA-Ops/foreignpilots.html>http://www.glidingaustralia.org/GFA-Ops/foreignpilots.html
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >>Christopher Thorpe
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>From: 
>> >>< mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net 
>> >>>aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net 
>> >>[ mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of jim 
>> >>crowhurst
>> >>Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2013 9:37 PM
>> >>To: aus soaring
>> >>Subject: [Aus-soaring] Medicals
>> >>
>> >>I have just been reading the medicals section 
>> >>of the OPS part of the GFA website and was 
>> >>looking at the FAQ. With respect to overseas pilots, I am confused....
>> >>
>> >>I am an Australian Citizen but hold a Class 
>> >>1/Class 2 Medical Certificate issued overseas. 
>> >>Can I use this to meet GFA's medical requirements?
>> >>  No. You must hold a Medical Certificate 
>> >> issued by an Australian Registered Doctor or DAME.
>> >>
>> >>This means that regardless of any medical 
>> >>obtained overseas, a visiting pilot on holiday 
>> >>MUST see an Australian doctor and get signed 
>> >>off if they have ever had any of the 
>> >>exclusions, even if they hold a class 1 or 2 
>> >>medical in their country. Some of the 
>> >>conditions are quite common in the age group of 
>> >>pilots that visit Australia. Surely if they 
>> >>have been signed off in the UK or USA or 
>> >>Germany for example they would meet 
>> >>requirements here? Is there any reciprocal arrangement with certain 
>> >>countries?
>> >>
>> >>My concern is that Australia may lose out on 
>> >>overseas pilots coming to visit because of the 
>> >>medical requirements. Has this always been this 
>> >>way or are these new regulations?
>> >>
>> >>This is more stringent than EASA, and that's saying something!
>> >>
>> >>Can someone knowledgeable explain the rules for 
>> >>overseas pilots or is it simply that "if you 
>> >>can't self certify, see an Australian doctor" and hope they sign off?
>> >>
>> >>It's not exactly convenient.......
>> >>
>> >>thanks
>> >>
>> >>_______________________________________________
>> >>Aus-soaring mailing list
>> >>< mailto:Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net 
>> >>>Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
>> >>To check or change subscription details, visit:
>> >>< 
>> >>http://lists.internode.on.net/mailman/listinfo/aus-soaring>http://lists.internode.on.net/mailman/listinfo/aus-soaring
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>_______________________________________________
>> >>Aus-soaring mailing list
>> >>< mailto:Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net 
>> >>>Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
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>> >>http://lists.internode.on.net/mailman/listinfo/aus-soaring>http://lists.internode.on.net/mailman/listinfo/aus-soaring
>> >> 
>> >_______________________________________________
>> >Aus-soaring mailing list
>> >Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
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>> Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of 
>> quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
>> www.borgeltinstruments.com
>> tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
>> mob: 042835 5784                :  int+61-42835 5784
>> P O Box 4607, Toowoomba East, QLD 4350, Australia  
>> _______________________________________________
>> Aus-soaring mailing list
>> Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
>> To check or change subscription details, visit:
>> http://lists.internode.on.net/mailman/listinfo/aus-soaring
> Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation 
> since 1978
> www.borgeltinstruments.com
> tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
> mob: 042835 5784                 :  int+61-42835 5784
> P O Box 4607, Toowoomba East, QLD 4350, Australia
> _______________________________________________
> Aus-soaring mailing list
> Aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
> To check or change subscription details, visit:
> http://lists.internode.on.net/mailman/listinfo/aus-soaring

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