
Just fished this  back out of my “delete” box.


Ross raises a couple of interesting points here, namely:

1. “Who is Peter Fereday” ie What is his professional background? How did he 
get to his current position?  What are his responsibilities/what does he 
actually do? 

Are there  political implications here, and if so what have his masters 
commanded him to do?  Is he a “competent person” ?


                2. If there are no political implications, what is his  purpose 
in  raising this (dead???), issue?


If we do not know the answers to these questions, and in particular  to Q2,  it 
is somewhat  presumptuous to assume “ issue that is complete and utter 


This thread basically  began with a  “Brisbane Times” news article. Let me make 
a VERY important point here.  In my dealings with the popular media, where I 
have been in full position of the facts,  I have NEVER yet seen a 100%  
accurate presentation of those facts by the media! Please keep this foremost in 
your minds.


The Brisbane Times somewhat vaguely mentions a paper written by Douglas B 
Watson (PMO, NZCA), which (the reporter thinks???), is relevant to his article. 


Has anybody FOUND this paper? Is it, in fact relevant? Have they READ it , 
CONSIDERED it, and come to an opinion?


It is reported that the AFAP made a submission on the matter. If the BT article 
can be taken at face value, the AFAP submission was very weak. I find this 
somewhat difficult to believe.






[] On Behalf Of Ross McLean
Sent: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 6:37 PM
To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Offtopic perhaps - but would be interested to read 


Good Grief!

Excluding colour blind pilots just doesn't make any sense at all to me. 

It may have once upon a time, before HF and VHF radio communication and mobile 
phones were commonplace and the Tower would give take off and landing 
clearances with Red or Green lights. But that went out with flying goggles and 
fabric and wood aeroplanes. What is the point?


I personally have several very long term good friends who are Airline Captains 
with 10's of thousands of hours and long successful aviation careers behind 
them who have always been colour blind. Never seems to have compromised their 
ability nor the safety of their operations.


Just who is this "CASA's Industry Permissions Manager Peter Fereday" anyway and 
what is the purpose of raising an issue that is a complete and utter nonsense?


According to the Brisbane Times article quoted below ".....Colour blind pilots 
have been able to co-pilot passenger planes in Australia for the past 25 years 
since two landmark cases in the 1980s at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal."  
Dr Arthur Pape, a pilot who brought one case against CASA at that time 
concisely stated that there was ''not a skerrick of evidence to suggest that 
pilots have made so much as a scratch on an aeroplane as a result of colour 
vision impairment'' in that time. ''Those pilots have been impeccable,'' he 






[] On Behalf Of Dion Stuart 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 5:02 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Offtopic perhaps - but would be interested to read 


How about changes be made so that colour coding/general systems are changed so 
that colour blind people can distinguish between them? Changing to red/blue 
would help with 99% of those who are colourblind (the Protanopia and 
Deuteranopia affected people, which is upwards of 99% of colourblind people - 
Tritanopia is the cause for some 0.001% of people).

I'd be interested to know how many colour blind pilots are out there - I think 
the statistic I heard is 25% of Western males and 10% of the world's population 
of males have some severity of colour blindness, although for many of them it's 
so slight they don't know - I personally work with a guy who never knew until 
he applied for a position in the ADF.

It's pretty depressing (albeit understandable) when you're automatically 
excluded from a slew of jobs because of something you were born with - for me 
it was commercial pilot, SAPOL, MFS, half the jobs in the ADF, lab technician, 
just to name a few. It's more frusturating when you feel that being colour 
blind wouldn't matter, or if a different colour coding system was used, 
wouldn't be an issue.

Just my 2c from a butthurt colourblind guy.



On 18 June 2014 11:34, Nelson Handcock <> wrote:

Thanks & Regards,

Nelson Handcock
0409 149919

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