I learnt this tip from an experienced AG pilot who came to gliding &
towing. I believe it may not be well known within gliding.

Rather than land over a tree or power pole land to side of it by say a wing
span. That way you can see in your side (90ยบ) vision that you are clear of
pole & wires and then you can use full airbrake. If you land over the
electricity pole you are never quite sure when you are over the pole as
wire does not show up in side vision.

That is why your DAME tests your side vision at a medical.  Regretfully
some GPs just read the AusRoads requirements without really doing many
tests like side vision. Also at 10K ft without oxygen side vision is
reduced. It is a shame the RAAF no longer have the trips to decompression
chamber as lots of good info was passed on at those day courses.

The other is when trying to avoid trees do not dip wings but just use
rudder and keep wings level.  Watch an AG pilot one day as he will do this.
The balanced turn goes out the window.

May be of interest

Ian mcphee
(the other good tip from AG pilots is how to take off overweight in an
aircraft - it is in or was in their training)
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