Simply phenomenal, I thought the CNv 2.7 was my favourite vario before, now CNv 
3.0 it's clearly in the lead.  I test flew with V3.0 yesterday in very windy 
thermal conditions before being able to transfer into local wave.  The vario is 
extremely smooth, no sign of gusts (with the new gust filtering algorithm), the 
smart averager being quicker to update and far more accurate than the last 
version.  I flew with 1.7s response rate at the beginning, then reduced it to 
0.5s, followed by settling at 1.0s;  all as smooth and perfect as the other!

Are you looking for a new vario for your glider or club, and want to save 
money?  It’s simple now, just buy a ClearNav vario - and thats it.  There’s no 
need for a winter backup now, this vario is impressive.  I’ve flown with my 
vario since the first various were bought out, it’s never failed.  I only fly 
with one vario now in my glider, and trust it solely.

I found the wind update to be excellent, though I can understand why some want 
straight line wind updates incorporated - only once I got into the wave, I 
found the wind would only update at the 180* turn upon each lap of the wave 
bar.  Still, it's excellent!  Thankfully, in AUS we only race in thermic 
conditions, so this will never be an issue for us here.

The new audio is great too.  My only gripe (which will soon become an option), 
was the tone that sounded every time you’d transfer from cruise to climb.  It 
really didn't bother me as such, but would like it to be silent as it was 

All in all, amazing work from the CNv team - I look forward to future updates, 
and to see/feel/hear the vario when all the sensors are hooked up.  Wow!

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