Yes, speed tiers extend up to 1000/400 I believe, on a single port (let alone bonding say 2 cheaper 100/40's)

ISP's like Skymesh offer 100/100, 200/100 and 200/200 over NBN FTTP by using bigger plans such as 500/200 and limiting them down to speed, but I havent seen many else advertising the use of the larger speed tiers, as for most it'd come under business connections and would be quoted on a per-user basis.

On 11/10/17 21:06, Abraham Treadwell wrote:
I’m looking to understand if anyone is able to offer point-to-point connections 
faster than 100mbps over the nbn. (fibre all the way to the premises of 
course). Unfortunately i’m not up to speed on the current changes with nbn 
speed tiers and what’s possible/ what’s not anymore.

In this case, both ends located in Sydney area, but, generally speaking, is it 
even a ‘thing’ to have a link speed greater than 100mbps?

many tia!


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