Apologies, me again. For any list member planning on attending Mark's talk on 
Thursday (below), the room has been changed from EN413 to EN313 )3rd floor EN 
building). Same time, same day.

I also received some offlist queries regarding streaming and/or recording of 
the talk -- unfortunately we aren't set up for the former, and wont be doing 
the latter.


On 10/21/2017 06:22, grenville armitage wrote:

I'd like to throw open a general invitation to a public talk at Swinburne 
University of Technology by Mark Nottingham at 2:30pm, Thursday, November 2nd, 
2017. (And apologies for the late notice.)

*Title*: Internet Protocol Evolution Update

*Abstract*: HTTP/2 is enjoying wide deployment, but the modern Internet 
protocol stack hasn't stopped moving. We'll discuss recent developments in 
HTTP, DNS and transport protocols, including QUIC.

*Speaker*: Mark Nottingham is Chair of the IETF's HTTP and QUIC Working Groups, 
Member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and has held a variety of very 
relevant industry roles over the years (https://www.mnot.net/).

*Place*: Lecture theatre EN413 (4th floor, Engineering building), Swinburne 
University of Technology's Hawthorn campus (Melbourne). See 
https://www.swinburne.edu.au/study/life/campuses/hawthorn/ for site map and 
transport options.

*Host*: Internet For Things Research Group (http://i4t.swin.edu.au)

The talk is free, no RSVP required.

Professor Grenville Armitage
School of Software and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

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