I am seeing very bad packet loss from one of our Vocus connections to Telecity/Equinix London starting from about 40 minutes ago, in the region of 40-50% packet loss. Traffic from both London -> AU and AU -> London is going via he.net in my case, but the packet loss appears to only happen on the London -> AU direction.

I added the community 4826:2709 (no export to he.net) to our routes on the Vocus (AU) side which fixed that issue for me.

On 30/01/2018 8:34 AM, Giles Pollock wrote:
Hi Everyone,
A frustrating start to the morning with over 50% packet loss when trying to hit console.aws.amazon.com <http://console.aws.amazon.com>. Traffic heading via Vocus is fine up until it heads into Telia.net, specifically a-100-ic-300087-kbn-b3.c.telia.net <http://a-100-ic-300087-kbn-b3.c.telia.net>

Can't find any noise in the usual places yet that indicate theres an issue, so wondering if anyone else is seeing the same problem?

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