Hi Skeeve,

As Brad said, that's just ECMP working its multipath magic.

It looks like your network has two connections into Telstra's network (one
each off chw-edge901 and ken-edge901), which are of unequal path lengths as
seen from the perspective of your local machine (with the last hop on your
network on the way to ken-edge901 not shown in the above output).

ECMP combined with a low number of UDP probes (and thus insufficient
randomnness to pluck all possible paths out of the woodwork) can lead to
extremely confusing ECMP traceroutes.

Try running an ICMP trace instead to get a solid idea of what (one) of your
paths is like:

  $ sudo traceroute -I


Benoit Page-Guitard
Network Engineer
Hostopia Australia

Phone: 1300 MY HOST (694 678)
Email: benoit.p...@hostopia.com.au
Website: https://www.hostopia.com.au/

On 10 October 2018 at 19:54, Skeeve Stevens <
skeeve+aus...@eintellegonetworks.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> Does anyone understand this... it hurts my brain.
> Skeeve-Faqtory-27:~ skeeve.stevens$ traceroute
> traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
>  1  x.x.x.10 (x.x.x.10)  0.949 ms  0.615 ms  0.585 ms
>  2  x.x.x.1 (x.x.x.1)  1.169 ms  1.106 ms  1.022 ms
>  3 (  19.487 ms  19.802 ms  19.576 ms
>  4 (  20.170 ms
> (  20.538 ms  19.848 ms
>  5  bundle-ether4.chw-edge901.sydney.telstra.net (  20.093
> ms  20.163 ms  21.795 ms
>  6  bundle-ether2.ken-edge901.sydney.telstra.net (  20.296
> ms  19.528 ms
>     bundle-ether13.chw-core10.sydney.telstra.net (  21.252 ms
>  7  bundle-ether1.chw-edge902.sydney.telstra.net (  19.891
> ms
>     bundle-ether13.ken-core10.sydney.telstra.net (  22.118
> ms  21.234 ms
>  8  bundle-ether2.ken-edge902.sydney.telstra.net (  19.428
> ms  20.432 ms
>     bundle-ether1.ken-edge902.sydney.telstra.net (  20.719 ms
>  9  clo2241682.lnk.telstra.net (  20.385 ms  20.533 ms
> 20.532 ms
> 10  one.one.one.one (  20.224 ms  19.687 ms  19.703 ms
> It looks like it going to Chatswood, Kent St and back and forwards. It is
> odd.
> ...Skeeve
> *Skeeve Stevens - Founder & Chief Architect - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
> ske...@eintellegonetworks.com ; www.eintellegonetworks.com
> Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve
> facebook.com/eintellegonetworks ;  <http://twitter.com/networkceoau>
> linkedin.com/in/skeeve
> Cumulus Linux / Open Networking - Cloud - Consulting - Juniper - Cisco - IPv4
> Brokering
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