Hi list,

 Anyone from either NTT or i3d on list?

 Seeing high latency from many endpoints into i3d sydney, specifically those that have to go through NTT - the path looks like it stays in Sydney but (testing from Telstra connections thus far) high-ish latency (80+ms) starts at the ntt lnk.telstra point, but gets really high (350ms+) at ae-15.r20.sydnau02.au.ce.bb.gin.ntt.net. The servers in question within i3d (im not a direct customer) are providing both VoIP and Gaming server services so latency is of high consequence.

  A reverse trace from NTT looking glass back to Telstra endpoint IP shows it getting back into the Telstra network at acceptable pings (from Sydney) but obviously it can't complete the trace due to ICMP filtering on Telstra's end.

 Most my other services hit i3d over peering so are unaffected.

 Mostly just posting in-case a NOC person is on-list and was unaware it might spark an investigation :)

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