Hi All,

Can someone who manages the Bigpond mail servers please contact me off list.

We are to have issues delivering mail to their customers. Believe this might be 
related to a recent change to the minimum senderscore required on their end. 
Have attempted to liaise with Validity (providers of 
sendscore.org<http://sendscore.org>) but they have been less than helpful. 
Simply stating the issue is with Bigpond.

Kind Regards,
Mark De Souza
Chief Technical Officer

mVoice Pty Ltd
Communicate the Smart Way

Level 8, 470 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

P.       +61 3 9013 1770<tel:0390131770>
M.       +61 416 076 034<tel:0416076034>
F.       +61 3 9011 9618<tel:0390119618>
E.       m.deso...@mvoice.com.au<mailto:m.deso...@mvoice.com.au>
W.       www.mvoice.com.au<http://www.mvoice.com.au/>

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