Hi Evan , usually if the numbers able to be called back it’s usually a hacked 
pbx or hacked sip account that’s being used.

Cold calling a company saying you believe their pbx has been hacked and you 
would like to help them - sounds like a scam to them ;) 

If you manage to convince them to let you look through their logs : 
Ip tracking usually results in linking back to a tor network , VPN or 
international call centre and to get any action I would suspect afp and 
Interpol would need to get involved.

On the subject of detecting and removing this traffic service providers are not 
able to listen in to calls due to breaching privacy. The only real way to 
identify the traffic currently is for people to complain. There are many 
legitimate traffic profiles that look the same as scam traffic. 

I believe a few service providers are adding new restrictions next month to 
combat the scam traffic.

Kind regards 
AusNOG mailing list

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