Date:        Wed, 10 May 2017 08:02:11 -0400
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Still, the effects on the environment should be the same, as separate
  | utility or built-in, including signal generation...

No, Joerg is right - nothing in the spec says when a SIGCHLD trap
is going to be received, it just happens when the shell happens to
receive that signal.   And the shell just happens to receive it
if a child has exited, when SIGCHLD has been set to be caught, when
it is not blocked (for some shells, that might never happen) and
the child hasn't already been waited for.

Nothing, anywhere, says that the action for a CHLD trap will be executed
once for every command the shell runs.

You absolutely cannot program scripts with any expectation of receiving
CHLD traps.


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