2017-06-12 20:05:49 +0000, Yann Régis-Gianas:
> Dear members of the Opengroup,
> the shell grammar is defining the non terminal for compound_list as follows:
>       compound_list : linebreak term | linebreak term separator ;
> and this non terminal is used in compound_commands like "until" for
> instance:
>                until_clause : Until compound_list do_group ;
> However, a "term" may derive a simple command like "a".
> Therefore, the following script seems accepted by the grammar:
>                                    until a do b; done
> while the usual shell implementations require a semicolon or a newline to
> be inserted just after the "a" for this script to be syntactically correct.
> Are we missing some rule of the grammar or an special rule described
> somewhere in the specification?

I agree you've identified a bug in that grammar. As Joerg said,
you're bound to find more. That grammar can't really be used to
write a shell implementation anyway, so I don't expect it will
have been tested that way. Your initiative is probably goind to
be very beneficial in that regard.

AFAICT, it should be:

Until linebreak term sequential_sep Do

And there are similar problems with if_clause, else_part,
while_clause, until_clause, case_clause, brace_group, do_group
at least.


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